Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals, and they are closer to herbivorous omnivores. When surviving in the wild, the glider will choose sweet food, such as some flowers, nectar, pollen, etc. It also likes to eat leaves, seeds, and insects. However, if you want to feed it, you can buy suitable pet food in the market.
2 points for feeding sugar gliders
1. There are a lot of problems with sugar gliders, the most common of which is the lack of protein and calcium. That is a mistake that many pet owners will make because of improper feeding and improper nutrition. Some people who raised the sugar glider for the first time fed it vegetable seeds and raised it entirely as a herbivore. The lack of animal calcium and animal proteins will cause symptoms of sluggishness and muscle weakness, frequent body tremors, and lameness with incomplete bones.
2. Different foods have different levels of protein, and there are ways to supplement them. In the wild, sugar gliders eat insects and crickets. The insects have high levels of protein. Apple and honey are perfect for Sugar gliders too. The sugar glider likes to eat soft foods because it does not have too many teeth. You can cook radishes that can be supplemented with vitamins and mashed into a puree to make them easier to digest. You can feed melon seeds occasionally, but not much.
What fruits can a sugar glider eat?
High-calcium fruits
Flower of Operculate Cleistocalyx, Pepino Melon, papaya, fig, orange, and roselle.
High-phosphorus fruits
Tomato, honeydew melon, watermelon, turtle bean, apple, kiwi, blueberry, tomato, mango, dragon fruit, strawberry, lettuce, and guava.
Three perfect recipes for sugar gliders
The first recipe
1. 125cc honey, please do not use honeycomb raw honey or unfiltered honey. You can use most of the honey sold in general stores with no particular label.
2. 1 hard-boiled egg without a shell;
3. 60cc apple juice; put the above things into the blender and blend well, then add the following ingredients
4. 60g yogurt;
5. 60cc mixed fruit juice such as Bomi fruit and vegetable juice;
6. 1 teaspoon of multivitamin for reptiles; put the above things into the blender and blend well, then add the following ingredients
7. 2 teaspoons of calcium powder for reptiles contain vitamin D3 but do not contain phosphorus;
8. Two cans of baby Gerber chicken puree;
9. 60ml wheat essence;
10. 125ml baby cereal or oatmeal;
Put the above things into the juicer, crush them, pour them into the ice maker, and put them in the refrigerator’s freezer compartment. After finishing the ice, it will be like ice cream. One piece is the amount of a sugar glider a day. Please do not add fruit to the above recipe and beat it together; it will quickly spoil the food. It needs to be defrosted or heated with water before feeding.
Second recipe
Fresh vegetables and fruits. If you feed them all, add a little more the next day until you have a little leftover after feeding, so you can know the amount of food.
The third recipe
Remember to raise the worms first; prepare a container with a thin layer of calcium powder under it, put vegetables and cereals in it, and let the worms stay in the container for 3 to 5 days. Then use it to feed the sugar gliders.
How much does a sugar glider eat in one day?
Sugar gliders only need about 15 to 20 percent of their body weight daily, which isn’t that much since they only weigh 3-5 ounces. That equals around 1/4 to 1/2 pieces of Leadbeater ice cubes, about 1-2 teaspoons of high-quality protein powder, and about two to three tablespoons of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
Daily feeding schedule reference
Small worms (mealworms), 10-15 a day.
Medium-sized insects (wheat worms), 7-10 a day.
Giant insects (crickets), 3-5 a day.
If your sugar glider likes to eat crickets, moths, and grasshoppers, you can also feed them. But don’t feed cockroaches, fireflies, or other bugs caught outside for fear of being hurt by pesticides.
Remarks: The small spoon attached to the uniform pudding is about 1g per level spoon. One teaspoon of the flat spoon is 5g. 1 tablespoon is 15g;
What can a sugar glider not eat?
Chocolate: The caffeine and theobromine can cause sugar glider poisoning, causing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), excitement, and lethargy.
Potato sprouts: The sprouts and green skins contain solanine, which can cause poisoning symptoms such as nerve paralysis and gastrointestinal disturbances in sugar gliders.
Alliums: Allyl disulfide compounds in onions, onions, and garlic can cause sugar glider poisoning, leading to anemia, diarrhea, and renal dysfunction. When feeding baby food, also be aware of the presence of these materials.
Raw soybeans: have toxicity, such as hemagglutinin, and hinder the function of digestive enzymes. When feeding sugar gliders, be sure to heat them first.
Avocado: Contains a toxic ingredient called Persin, which can cause sugar glider mastitis, agalactia, heart failure, breathing difficulties, and more.
Fruit seeds: The immature pulp and seeds of cherries, loquats, peaches, apricots, plums, plums, and almonds (non-edible) of Rosaceae contain amygdalin, which can cause vomiting, liver dysfunction, neurological disorders, etc.
Moldy peanuts: Mold on peanut shells can produce highly toxic flavodoxin, which is highly carcinogenic.
Can sugar gliders eat bananas?
Sugar gliders are a type of marsupial that originates from Australia. Their diet consists mainly of insects and nectar from flowers. Bananas are not part of their natural diet and can harm them. And sugar gliders can’t eat grapes or durians.
In conclusion
The range of sugary glider food is vast and includes many different fruits, vegetables, insects, meats, etc. To be sure you choose the right foods for your pet and never make mistakes, I guess after reading this post, you will find out what you can feed a sugar glider and what things you should avoid.