Sugar gliders are very social, and you should spend a lot of time with them to make them happy. They tend to be very close ...

We can’t apply the methods of raising any other pets to the sugar glider. Because of their different feeding methods, sugar gliders are not suitable ...

The sugar glider generally makes five sounds, and this article will explain the meaning of these sugar glider sounds. Most people think that cats only ...

The sugar gliders are vision-healing pets because they are small, and fluffy, with long tails and big eyes. But sugar gliders aren’t a great pet ...

The new favorite in the pet field is the sugar gliders. Many people think they are handsome after seeing the gliding videos of sugar gliders ...

Flying Squirrel vs Sugar Glider: The flying squirrel belongs to the Squirrel family, and the sugar glider belongs to the Glider family. In terms of ...

Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals, and they are closer to herbivorous omnivores. When surviving in the wild, the glider will choose sweet food, such as ...

How to clean a sugar glider by taking a bath? Some people believe it’s okay to bathe when their pet is dirty. It’s common for ...